Book your HPV vaccination appointment

Cervical cancer is a serious disease that affects many women around the world. One of the best ways to prevent it is through HPV vaccination. Let’s learn what HPV vaccination is, how it works and how it helps protect against cervical cancer.

What is the Age Limit for the HPV Vaccine?

The HPV vaccine is recommended for preteens and teenagers. It is most effective when given before a person becomes sexually active. The vaccine is typically recommended for:
  • Two doses are recommended for girls and boys aged 9 to 15.
  • Three doses are recommended for girls and boys aged 15 to 26.
  • Adults aged 26 to 45 may also benefit from the vaccine, depending on their health needs and risk factors.

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HPV vaccination appointment.

HPV vaccination reduces the risk of cervical cancer by over 80%

HPV vaccination is a powerful tool in the fight against cervical cancer. It is safe, effective and recommended for preteens and young adults. By getting vaccinated, you help protect yourself from HPV and significantly lower your risk of cervical cancer. Regular screenings and safe practices continue to be important parts of maintaining good health.
Both males and females should get the HPV vaccine. It is recommended for:
  • Females: To protect against cervical cancer and other HPV-related cancers.
  • Males: To protect against genital warts and other HPV-related cancers, such as throat and anal cancer.