How to Check Yourself for Breast Cancer at Home

Early detection is key to successfully treating breast cancer. One simple way to take control of your health is by regularly doing a breast cancer check at home. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you perform a self-exam in the comfort of your home.

  • Step 1: Start with a Visual Check

Stand in front of a mirror with your arms relaxed by your sides. Look at both breasts for any changes in size, shape or color. Check for any dimpling, puckering or bulging of the skin. Pay attention to any visible lumps or changes in your nipples, such as an unusual discharge.
Next, raise your arms above your head and check again. Look for any changes in your breasts' appearance when your arms are elevated.

  • Step 2: Feel for Lumps While Lying Down

Lie down on your back, as this allows your breast tissue to spread evenly across your chest. Use the pads of your three middle fingers to gently press around each breast. Move in a circular motion, covering the entire breast from top to bottom and side to side, including the area from your collarbone to the top of your abdomen.
Use light, medium and firm pressure to feel different layers of tissue. Make sure to check your armpits as well, as breast tissue extends to that area.

  • Step 3: Repeat the Check While Standing

Many people find it easier to feel changes in their breast tissue while their skin is wet and slippery. Try doing this part of your breast cancer check at home in the shower. Use the same technique as when lying down, feeling for any unusual lumps or thickened areas.

What to Do If You Notice a Change

If you detect a lump, unusual nipple discharge or any other change, don’t panic. Many breast changes are harmless. However, it's crucial to see your doctor for a thorough evaluation. Regular self-exams are an important part of breast health, but they don’t replace routine mammograms or professional screenings.
By making a habit of doing a breast cancer check at home every month, you can stay proactive about your health. Early detection saves lives, so it’s worth taking a few minutes for yourself.

A breast cancer check at home is a simple but effective tool to monitor your breast health. Stay consistent with self-exams and consult with your healthcare provider if anything feels unusual. Remember, early detection gives you the best chance of successful treatment.