बाँझोपनको उपचारका लागि वर्षौँदेखि मेरो क्लिनिकमा धाइरहेका पुरुष एकदिन करिब १८ वर्षकी किशोरी लिएर आए, मैले छक्क परेर सोधेँ, ‘ओहो !छोरी त कति छिटो यति ठूली पारिसक्नुभएछ त ?’ ५२ वर्षीय ती पुरुष पनि एकछिन् अकमकिए र भने, ‘छोरी होइन,…
Vaccination Considerations for Women who are Pregnant or Breastfeeding
Centers for disease control and prevention(CDC) and the independent Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) have provided information to assist pregnant women with their decision to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. At this time, ACIP recommends that certain groups (e.g., healthcare…