
Cervical Biopsy

A cervical biopsy is a surgical procedure in which a small amount of tissue is removed from the cervix. The cervix is the lower, narrow end of the uterus located at the end of the vagina. A cervical biopsy is…

Cold coagulation

Cold coagulation is a medical treatment used to address abnormal cervical cells, also known as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). It is a procedure that destroys the affected cells to allow healthy cells to regrow in their place. During the procedure,…

बाँझोपनका तथ्यहरू र तिनीहरूको प्रसार

बाँझोपन एक यस्तो अवस्था हो जुन पुरुष वा महिलाको प्रजनन प्रणालीमा देखा पर्दछ, जसमा नियमित असुरक्षित यौन सम्पर्क पछि १२ महिना वा बढी समय बितिसक्दा पनि गर्भधारण गर्न असफल हुन्छ। विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन (WHO) को अनुसार, विश्वभरको प्रजनन उमेरका लगभग…