Spotting is a relatively common concern that many pregnant women face during pregnancy and does not always mean there’s a problem – but it can be a dangerous sign as well. Approximately 20% of women report they experience spotting during…
Physiotherapy (exercise) after cesarean section to strengthen abdomen and pelvis
C-section is one of the most commonly performed inpatient procedures, and women who require C-section instead of a spontaneous vaginal delivery are at least twice as likely to suffer low back and pelvic pain. Exercises must be done after cesarean…
Safe abortion Services in Nepal
Many women face unwanted pregnancy due to limited access to family planning information and services. Such women who cannot access safe abortion services in a timely way are at a high risk of developing complications due to unsafe abortions, or…
Symptoms of Male Menopause or Andropause
Male menopause can cause physical, sexual, and psychological problems. They typically worsen as you get older. They can include: Low energy Mood Swings Depression or sadness Decreased motivation lowered self-confidence Difficulty concentrating Insomnia or difficulty sleeping Increased body fat Reduced…
Male Menopause or Andropause
Male menopause is the more common term for andropause. It describes age-related changes in male hormone levels. The same group of symptoms is also known as testosterone deficiency, androgen deficiency, and late-onset hypogonadism. “Andras” in Greek means human male and…
बाँझोपनको कारण – श्रीमान र श्रीमती दुबै बराबर हुन्छ ।
बाँझोपनको उपचारका लागि वर्षौँदेखि मेरो क्लिनिकमा धाइरहेका पुरुष एकदिन करिब १८ वर्षकी किशोरी लिएर आए, मैले छक्क परेर सोधेँ, ‘ओहो !छोरी त कति छिटो यति ठूली पारिसक्नुभएछ त ?’ ५२ वर्षीय ती पुरुष पनि एकछिन् अकमकिए र भने, ‘छोरी होइन,…
Vaccination Considerations for Women who are Pregnant or Breastfeeding
Centers for disease control and prevention(CDC) and the independent Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) have provided information to assist pregnant women with their decision to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. At this time, ACIP recommends that certain groups (e.g., healthcare…
An interview on Plasma therapy – a treatment used for COVID-19
Plasma therapy has been on the news recently as a possible cure is simply the administration of blood plasma of patients who have recovered from infection in question. The basic science behind plasma therapy concerning COVID-19 is that a person…
America देखी Nepal सम्मका डाक्टरहरु एकै ठाउमा TALKING ABOUT COVID 19 INTERNATIONAL DISCOURSE
Our Dr Tumla’s participation in an online seminar among the doctors from different countries talking about Covid 19 international discourse.
Medical and surgical abortion in Nepal
An interview on Safe Abortion Service in Nepal by Dr. Tumla Shah on Radio Annapurna 94.Know about What, why, when, where and how of abortion. Please listen and send us your feedback.