Menopause in women

What is menopause?
Menopause is the permanent cessation of menstruation at the end of reproductive life due to loss of ovarian follicular activity.

In short, menopause
– The end of a women’s monthly period
– Can occur as early as 40 or as late as 60 (average age is 51)
– A series of emotional and physical changes in a women’s body
– Ovaries no longer produce enough estrogen to continue menstruation

– Overall decrease of estrogen in the body
– No predictable rate of transition to menopause

There are three Stages of Menopause
– Perimenopause( 35 to 45 yrs)
– Menopause(45 to 55 yrs)
– Post Menopause(2 to 10 yrs after)

Metabolic Syndrome

Risk CVD & diabetes
Natural aging vs medical disorder

Menstrual Cycle
Menopause Symptoms
SymptomWhat you can do
Hot Flashes/Night SweatsDress in layers Keep Thermostat down Avoid hot drinks Use a cold, wet washcloth against neck  Use a fan Quit smoking, if you smoke
Vaginal DrynessUse lubricants before sex  Use a vaginal moisturizer  Do your kegel exercises
Sleep ProblemsKeep a circadian rhythm  Avoid naps Avoid caffeine  Avoid alcohol  Relaxation  Try sleep aid
DepressionExercise and stay active  Seek social support  Talk about it
Preventive Health:


Stay Active
– Prevent loss of bone and muscle mass
– Include aerobic, weight bearing, and strength training workouts

Avoid Smoking
– Smoking increases loss of bone density

Adequate calcium and vitamin D intake
– Help reverse bone loss and protect against osteoporosis

Eat well
– Help prevent and manage chronic health problems

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