Gynecology Services

Under this, we provide the following Services

  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or PID:

It is an infection of the organs of a women’s reproductive system. They include the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and cervix. It is usually caused by a sexually transmitted infection (STI), like chlamydia or gonorrhea, and is treated with antibiotics.
You might not notice any symptoms of PID early on. But as the infection gets worse, you can have:

  • Pain in your lower belly and pelvis
  • Heavy discharge from your vagina with an unpleasant odor
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Pain during sex
  • Fever and chills
  • Pain when you pee or a hard time going


  • Fibroid Uterus or Uterine Fibroid :

Uterine fibroids are benign lumps that grow on the uterus. Most women have no symptoms while others may include painful or heavy periods, cramping or lower back pain, painful sex, and an urge to urinate. If large enough, they may push on the bladder causing a frequent need to urinate. A woman can have one uterine fibroid or many. Occasionally, fibroids may make it difficult to become pregnant, although this is uncommon.
The exact cause of uterine fibroids is unclear. However, fibroids run in families and appear to be partly determined by hormone levels. Risk factors include obesity and eating red meat. Diagnosis can be performed by pelvic examination or medical imaging. Treatment options include hysterectomy, embolization, and hormone therapy.


  • Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) :

Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) or Abnormal uterine bleeding is irregular uterine bleeding that occurs in the absence of recognizable pelvic pathology, general medical disease, or pregnancy. It reflects a disruption in the normal cyclic pattern of ovulatory hormonal stimulation to the endometrial lining. The bleeding is unpredictable in many ways. It may be excessively heavy or light and may be prolonged, frequent, or random. About 1-2% of women with improperly managed anovulatory bleeding eventually may develop endometrial cancer.